And no, not the car kind - the mental 'I can't take this anymore' kind.
Step 1: Freak out - whether it be crying in the bathroom, throwing a mug on the floor or actually just getting in your car and driving it - you'll feel better afterwards I promise.
Step 2: Comfort eat. Exactly what not to do according to every dieter's handbook, but what the hell - if you think that giant chocolate milkshake and/or greasy takeaway is going to make you feel better about your life, than do it!
Step 3: Listen to your body. Having reached this point, you have no doubt spent too many late and early hours at your desk (or if you have the privilege of a work home). So get some sleep. Cancel any social engagements, skip gym (just this once) and have an early night. Even if the problems haven't gone away in the morning, you'll at least be better equipped to dealing with them.
Step 4: After missing gym (either for sleep or probably, so you could squeeze in another hour at the office) go get some exercise - a walk in the neighbourhood, a swim in the pool or a gentle gym workout - never underestimate what endorphins can do for you.
Step 5: Gain perspective. Take a drive, go sit outside (further out of the city if possible), go to church, phone your mom....any and all of the above will calm you down and help you realise that things really aren't so bad. This will also remind you that what you are facing is not the catastrophe that you think it is - the sun will still rise and a cappuccino will still taste so delicious even if you didn't meet that deadline, I promise.
Step 6: Socialise. Get out of your little me+work cocoon and spend some time with people that you love - even if it is just to relax and watch Masterchef with your digs mates for an hour (woo hoo that starts tonight), meet up with some friends for drinks or skype your brother in America, take time to connect with people. Oh, and get laughing too please, life is not so bad!
Step 7: Create an action plan. The problem with having too much work is that you get so overwhelmed by how much to get through that you kind of go into a frozen shock state, unable to do anything at all. So write a to do list, putting the priority tasks at the top and leaving the ones that are important but can kind of wait a day or two, lower down on the list. This way you will be able to manage your time doing what you have to do...rather than wasting precious time doing more menial tasks (like clearing your inbox, for example).
Step 8: Stay positive. Make a promise to yourself that you will stay positive and not get reduced to step 1 again (or at least anytime soon). Set a goal - per day, per week, per task - and reward yourself once you've achieved it.
Step 9: Prevent this from happening again by approaching your manager/supervisor and brainstorm ways to better manage your responsibility (possibly by shifting some to someone else) or chat about some sort of incentive reward programme or some other way to keep you motivated.
Step 10: Remember, even the snails reached the Ark!
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