My mom always used to say that only boring people get bored.
I realised today - as I wait for the designer to design some pages for me to edit and people to get back to me about future features - that I could be one of these people.
I have therefore set out to prove to myself that I am not in fact a boring person and think about what I do or could to to fill up my time - at least until I can get to gym and get on that treadmill for my planned 50 minute run (I can't wait).
And that actually brings me to proof *1 - I exercise.
A month ago (let alone a year ago) I would never have thought that I'd be looking forward to or even be able to run for 50 minutes on a treadmill.
Back in first year at Rhodes I hit the inevitable first year spread, caused by too much drinking, too little exercise and res food. Anyway, second year was a year for change for me - changed res, started eating breakfast (who would have thought I could survive a whole day without that extra 45 minutes of sleep) and going to gym daily. It took me a while to get used to doing things on my own because a previous gym partner wasn't too dedicated and I realised if I was serious I'd have to do this on my own.
Anyway long story short - my life had a total revamp leading to happier me (boosted greatly by the entering of a certain curly-haired male into my life).
Well three years later I think I hit real life first year spread after moving up to the big city. The combination of 2 hour commutes, sitting at a desk and eating easy meals (hello pasta) and too many take outs on the weekend (living a block from McDonalds is tough ok!) and 4 kgs later I realised this had to end.
And so begins life revamp*2
This has involved a new way of thinking - no more diet but a lifestyle change and a gym membership (which, being paid for my me meant that I had to get my money's worth).
I think the most difficult part has been the weekends - which is when I'm most likely to relax on the exercise front (having gone all week to gym) and more lenient on the food choices, fueled by the worst kind of fuel - alcohol.
The other big factor is my curly-haired boy (who is not too into exercise and very much into KFC)
Having to be accountable to myself and others (have a weekly weigh-in on a Wednesday with my cousin on same journey)
So I have become a lot more vegetarian during the week (who would have known lentils could taste so good)
And my goal for every weekend is not to sabotage myself - which I'm largely succeeding in (I think) and have really got Curly used to long romantic strolls and eating healthy wholesome meals (turns out they cheaper too!)
So this post was supposed to be about why I'm not boring but all I've talked about is my weightloss journey (which is still far off target) but not bothering me much at all coz clothes are looser and its nearly time for my first 10km race :)
more about ways to keep me busy soon...
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