Friday, October 29, 2010

Dear Fluffy

This is a letter to myself because I think my whinging has got out of hand.
I am seriously lacking any sense of gratitude, self-achievement or observation of the wonder around me that I think I could rightly be classified as a pessimist these days...or a serial whinger - and that's not the kind of person that I want to be around. So thank you to all the friends, family and Curly people that put up with me on a regular basis.
Of course, it's alright to have a bitch and a moan...SOMETIMES...but I need to stop making every conversation a session to complain about work, being tired, having no time for gym (kiff excuse) or other general grumbles.
I am therefore undertaking a new month's mission to write about something positive every single day. Judging by my claim of many posts in September, which didn't nearly happen' this is going to be a tough ask. But I have stuck a sticky note on my computer to remind me each day because seriously, positive thinking is how we all have to live our lives.
Imagine realising that your last conversation on this earth was a whinge.
A sobering thought.

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