Thursday, April 7, 2011

Romantic weekend in pictures

So Curly decided we should go on a spontaneous road trip...possibly ending up in Badplaas, Mpumalanga for a weekend away to celebrate our 4 year anniversary. Judging by our simplistic campsite above, we didn't come prepared other than a tent, bedding, chairs and a cooler box. Luckily some friendly neighbours from across the way invited us over for coffee the next morning as they could clearly see we had nothing!

Beautiful view from our campsite...we discovered the next day that we were actually overlooking a nature reserve that had giraffe and eland roaming freely the day before!

As I said, we didn't come too prepared (and 'had' to eat out at the restaurant the night before due to lack of meat / tongs / plates). We did discover the resort shop the next day where we bought lunch and enjoyed it alongside the Rhinkals - the main feature of the resort with a lazy tube ride.

Fun and games in the pool. We also enjoyed the hot pools the night before.

An eina from using a pen knife to cut cheese for our lunch.

Cool dude skimming across the pool after coming off the slide. I had plenty of time to do this as I waited for Curly to go on the slide about 10 times (I went on it once but water up my nose and bikini top off is never an ideal result). I did finally get a good action pic of him.

On our way home we got caught in a hectic hail storm so we had to stop off at a petrol station for coffee while we waited for it to pass. Before that we had quite a traumatic experience coming face to face with a head on collision between a motorbike and body. Curly and the next car on the scene had to direct traffic and cover the mangled body with towels. I stayed in the car.

The end of an amazing weekend in Badplaas. Nicely sunburnt (face looked like a lobster) and happy memories shared with my Curly. Can't wait for the next road trip :) Think we might pack a little wiser next time though!

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