Monday, August 15, 2011

More motivation?

A girl can dream right?
So I guess now that I've installed that little widget on the side there to keep track of my running miles - to be on view to the world - I better get going on racking up some road dust?
Although the bizarre weather that has struck Joburg today....rain, hail and even snow in some parts (but sadly not at my office) is not going to push me out for a run.
But after all, summer is coming (although most definitely not here yet)
- And I still the the Fattest Bridesmaid saga to fear
- And I'm already halfway through my Weight Watchers journey (and eek it's Weigh In Tuesday tomorrow - troubling after two weeks of public holiday and alcoholic occasions!)

So best I get running then hey?

P.S Promises for a more thoughtful and news relevant post soon as opposed to the self-involved nature of this one!

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