Monday, June 28, 2010

Joburg way up high

Gold Reef City, Johannesburg 27 June 2010
From my vantage point at the top of the ferris wheel, the city spreads out below me like a tapestry. The red, green, brown and grey bumps of buildings, houses and trees stretches into the horizon as far as I can see. East, West, Joburg is best. 

Moving to the big city of Johannesburg at the beginning of this year was a career-driven decision as I wanted to make my mark on the South African media landscape. But I never really thought I'd find my place in this fast-paced, 'crime-infested' concrete jungle.

However, I've discovered that the city offers a kaleidoscope of people, places and new experiences and I am loving being able to explore all that it has to offer! And about all that concrete? Turns out Joburg is reputed to be the world's largest urban forest!

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