Monday, December 6, 2010

10 things I learnt this weekend

Jax Panik on Friday night....check out the skulls for hidden name.
  1. Doing something different on a Friday night is refreshing - interesting place, interesting people and of course, the free drinks and entertainment that comes with a product launch.
  2. Trust Curly's gaydar [he got hit on by a gay guy who I thought was straight. Luckily the dude left 'gorgeous' Curly alone coz of me].
  3. Going out just the two of you is good for some more romantic sparkle.
  4. Swimming in the summer sun brings out the kid in everyone...cue boys balancing on logs (yes the tree kind!) and all of us having back flip competitions.
  5. Greenside is a really awesome place to jam on a Saturday night.
  6. It is absolutely stupid to worry about money when you are having an experience because you will completely miss out on the good time at hand.
  7. Sleeping in is good for the body and soul. Nothing beats a Sunday afternoon nap.
  8. Leftovers taste better with age [this does not apply to all meals of course]
  9. Walking in the neighbourhood with good company is beautifully relaxing and enjoyable.
  10. Mint chocolate in bed is delicious.

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