Monday, December 6, 2010

Wise words from my diary...

"Change and growth take place when a person has risked himself and dares to become involved with experimenting with his own life" 
- Herbert Otto

Coincidentally, I read this words after a moment of 'Oh my goodness, seriously this for another year!' and made me get very very itchy feet.
I have been enjoying a slightly less stressful week [a conclusion no doubt drawn from the number of posts already this month!]- which I think I deserve after producing 5 magazines in 3 months - because my brain is rather fried and holidays couldn't come sooner.
But does my boss mind me resting up a bit? Yes, it seems so! Because he asked if I've started working on my January features!!! Are you kidding!!

While I'm not going to do anything extreme like quit my job, I certainly need to start hatching a plan on ways to risk and experiment with my life (I'm not talking drugs here) to have a fun-filled amazing 2011! 

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