Monday, January 24, 2011

10 things I learnt this weekend...

  1. It is always wise to pass time until rush hour traffic is over....30min versus 2hours never can be beat!
  2. Pizza and a movie is a relaxing and cosy way to spend a Friday night
  3. Skottel breakfasts are delicious....but cleaning up afterwards is not so nice (still worth it I think?)
  4. Meltz is a great place to shop for bargains and yay for an increased and improved working wardrobe
  5. Homemade cakes always taste nicer than the ones in restaurants....plan to remember this next time the sparkling Mugg & Bean cakes tempt me!
  6. Putting in some friend time brings light relief to life
  7. Admit you are wrong when you are wrong...and don't be too stubborn that you actually sleep on a couch for the whole night (with the arm rest for a pillow....ouch!)
  8. Going for a run after a night out is a great way to get rid of a hangover and feel better about the day
  9. It's time to stop running like a grandma...coz those 21kms are coming closer and closer!
  10. I love reading - and I need to make time for it in future lazy Sunday afternoons
  • Know your insurance details so when a stupid speeding lady crashes in to you, you have this info on hand.
  • And thank goodness for a wonderful colleague who came to my rescue....and an amazing Curly who left work and came all the way to make sure his Rat was safe xxxx


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

There's a bug in the air

In the last month or so, I've attended 1 wedding, had 2 cousins get engaged, my best friend got a fairytale proposal and another girl from my town get a ring on her finger.
I am already attending 3 weddings this year...and its the 19th of January!
And cue the jokes and questions of 'You're next'.
Ha ha, no.

Even some of the crazy independent never-want-to-be-tied-down types from school have changed their tune and are dreaming of the white picket fence, cute babies and fluffy pillows of marriage.

While I am so incredibly happy for all these special people in my life (and who doesn't enjoy weddings!), I'm just not at that place right now.

I actually had to walk down the aisle myself recently (accompanying my mom and handing her over to my now-step dad) and I was overwhelmed by all the smiling faces and they weren't even looking at me!!

The awkward thing is, whenever Curly and I have been asked that question before, we would just shrug it off saying, "We're too young".
But now that reason can't really apply anymore seeing as these new fiances are either a little older, the same age or younger than us!

Don't get me wrong, of course I want to get married someday....and it is easy for my mind to wander off into the fairytale land of romantic proposals, wedding dresses, cake tasting and bridesmaids (eek how do people choose!)....I'm just not quite ready yet.
I'm quite happy where I am for the time-being - friends, career, joburg life and of course, loving Curly more and more.

And that's just perfect for now and until my facebook status changes....I'll eat the whole cake myself thank you very much.

Monday, January 17, 2011

10 things I learnt this weekend...

  1. It is always better to get admin out the way before one starts drinking
  2. Predrinks with friends old and new is a great way to start a Friday night
  3. Squeaking some takkie on the dance floor is fun fun fun
  4. If you're going to wear white to a UV party - make sure it's a bright white else you look dirty and grey :)
  5. Your own bed, with a fan, is the way to spend a lazy Saturday morning
  6. Having my own home one day is going to be wonderful -- can't wait to decorate and feel like the space is my own
  7. A chilled braai with friends is always good
  8. Your best friend getting engaged is the most exciting news ever....and also quite scary how many friends and family are getting engaged these days!
  9. Breakfast buffet...yum yum
  10. Running 7km after two nights of drinking is entirely satisfying...and the afternoon snooze afterwards is the best reward!

My motto for the year

Celebrate life. Dream, explore, and find peace in life's adventure.
- Anonymous

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The 21km Challenge

Right, so in accordance with New Year's Resolution Number 5, I have signed up for a 21km race on 6 March. Eek! That is helluva far! The furtherest I have ever 10km so this is certainly a big challenge for me.
That being said, I have my running wingman C and a few digsmates keen for the race too (although their athleticism doesn't do much to make me feel better!)
But anyway, I have found a novice training programme on the internet and I have changed it around a bit to suit my regular training days. I plan to stick to it rigidly in order to (a) be able to run 21km in 8 weeks and (b) just as motivation and to 'force' me to exercise.
I am therefore revealing this programme below to be my sort of online training diary and will honestly record all my training and exercise for the next 8 weeks!
Here goes...!
*Note 1 - In black is the programme, in red is my actual achievement
*Note 2 - The days that specify minutes are for cross-training





 60min aerobics

 4km in +-30min on road

'Pool' workout (see explanation in next post)
50min walk around the neighbourhood


2.5km on treadmill (pathetic but really wasn't in the zone), weight training

2km walk, 10 x park hills and a little jog

30min leg class
45 min step class
Car accident so think I'm forgiven


7km on treadmill

walk on beach


6km on treadmill in 36min

Rest - sore shins :(

Another Rest

Hills in park and lunges

3km on treadmill (sore shins :(













 4km in 23min on treadmill

Club dancing (it counts I think?)
7km 7km in 47min on treadmill
1km swim
2km walk
4km run
5km (naughty!)
6.5km on road
60min power box class
+- 10km run around Mt Edgecombe
1km swim
7km run in 42min on treadmill
12km run in 72min on treadmill
Strength train arms









Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Keeping things in perspective

Thanks B for these words to start my day, I needed them!

-- written by Max Ehrmann in the 1920s --
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

And just in case I am infringing on any copyright laws..... I copied this amazing poem from the following site:  

Monday, January 10, 2011

City mouse visits country mouse

My mom got married this weekend and her cousin from Joburg brought her 16 and 18 year-old children along. Wow what an experience they must have had...because to start off with, Sarah (the emo daughter) didn't know what she was visiting. The conversation went something like this:
The mom: We're going to the wedding in Dundee?
Daughter: What's Dundee?
The mom: It's a town in Natal
Daughter: What's a town? Do you mean like Downtown Joburg?
The mom: Um, no, as in a small city....a village?

And she certainly got to experience the village at its best: after all the rain, the smell of cow dung was especially pungent around the lodge where they were staying (in silos!!)
And what's even worse...the showers had taps that you actually turn (as opposed to the lever) and she didn't know how to work them!
Needless to say, son and daughter convinced their mother to forgo the accomodation booking the next night and drive all the way back to Joburg after the wedding!

So I now very lucky to grow up in a small town and even though we may have complained about the lack of shops, movies or places to go out, I am so grateful that it was my childhood.
For us, going out for supper was a treat - birthdays and after a good end-of-term report were our tickets to the Buffalo Steak house (where Mom would order sole and chocolate mousse and the rest of us ribs with enough yummy sauce to coat our faces).

And this makes me think about where and how I want to raise my children one day....because I certainly want them to be able to turn on a tap and have rib sauce on their faces!

10 things I learnt this weekend...

  1. The roads home have gotten seriously potholed...hopefully something is done about it before the next trip back there
  2. Don't ever order bulk lasagne from a Mexican restaurant....they don't put any pasta in it nor any spices into the much so that it might taste like ass
  3. Getting my hair straightened by someone else is a real treat...but has motivated me to stop being lazy and do it more often
  4. Walking down the aisle is quite stressful (and the attention was not even on me so I will be tripling these feelings when it's my turn!)
  5. Choose songs that are well-known at your wedding - it really makes a huge difference and out-of-tune voices (me) can at least blend in with the better ones around me
  6. Photos in the veld are simple yet beautiful
  7. Wedges are the way to go (sorry Curly but the stilettos just ain't gonna happen!)
  8. I am truly blessed to have such a huge family (even if some of them are a bit weird!) and it's great to know that they will always be around
  9. Don't bring up your children in a city....they might not know what a town is...or even how to turn on taps! (I'm not kidding!)
  10. It's a relief to have Mom married and the wedding weekend over, so now I can  get used to the whole idea of a step dad and after a few months home will feel like home again.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Parents are people too

My recent holiday at home was not just one that involved too much good food (the joys of a fully stocked fridge!) family and lazy days in the sun - it was a period of transition for me.
My mom's getting married this weekend - to a guy she absolutely adores called Pat (who wears waisted Tee Sav shorts and tucked in golf shirts...cringe) and this means that my brother and I are no longer the sole focus of her attention.
Ouch, it seems that no matter how old you are, the experience of your divorced/widowed parent getting a new partner is tough on you: Your old routine of coffee out, shopping for fun and cooking together in the kitchen is no more....because she's no longer doing that with you.
And no matter if you're a toddler, teenager or twenty-something, it's hard to get used to not being the centre of attention.
So it's time to grow up and realise that parents are people too and just like I have someone to love and be loved by and have coffee, go shopping and cook with, my mom  deserves that too.
And hopefully once they settle down into married life, we can go back to doing those things when I come home once in a while for a visit. I really hope so. It's time to see my mom as my friend rather than the 'maternal care giver for life and money-spender-on-me' role that I expected her to play before.

But for the rest of the time, I have my own life here in Joburg and being young and alive it is time for some adventure! And, of course, it is comforting to know I have a home in Curly xxx

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011, a year for adventure

As is the case of every year, I make resolutions. This time I plan to stick to them more closely because they'll be written here for anyone to see.. a bit of accountability is always a good incentive. So here are 11 goals/plans/resolutions for 2011 (in no particular order):
  1. Give up chips (only popcorn is permitted)
  2. Leave South Africa for a holiday
  3. Improve communication with friends and family (facebook, blackberry...seriously no excuse)
  6. Learn something new everyday in my working environment (and write it down in 'knowledge' book)
  7. Make the most of weekends - have adventures
  8. Learn to sew
  9. Start doing some sort of community outreach
  10. Splurge on myself every now and then
  11. Get to goal weight