Monday, January 17, 2011

10 things I learnt this weekend...

  1. It is always better to get admin out the way before one starts drinking
  2. Predrinks with friends old and new is a great way to start a Friday night
  3. Squeaking some takkie on the dance floor is fun fun fun
  4. If you're going to wear white to a UV party - make sure it's a bright white else you look dirty and grey :)
  5. Your own bed, with a fan, is the way to spend a lazy Saturday morning
  6. Having my own home one day is going to be wonderful -- can't wait to decorate and feel like the space is my own
  7. A chilled braai with friends is always good
  8. Your best friend getting engaged is the most exciting news ever....and also quite scary how many friends and family are getting engaged these days!
  9. Breakfast buffet...yum yum
  10. Running 7km after two nights of drinking is entirely satisfying...and the afternoon snooze afterwards is the best reward!

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