Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thought for the day

I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world   -Mother Teresa

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

10 things I learnt this weekend...

  1. The joy of a Friday afternoon is indescribable!
  2. Bagpipes, green and Irish night out is fun.....not to mention winning the R70 I won on one of the races!
  3. I quite enjoy playing it's time to start doing it more often I believe!
  4. People really aren't who they seem....or they really are!
  5. Sleeping in someone else's bed is just not nice the next morning when all you want is your bed and your fan!
  6. Brunch with varsity mates - nice, discovering that you have been invited to a roast lunch with other friends in 2 hours time...not so much!
  7. Moving is the hugest schlep in the world - especially when it's not your own stuff! (although I must admit a snooze, while the boys do all the hard work, is delightful!)
  8. The more you eat the more you wanna eat (not so ideal for those love handles missy...what happened to the fat thighs motto!)
  9. Ah...Sunday evening bed.
  10. It's time for a new approach to my social calendar: Choose to go to what you want to go to, don't overcommit and don't forget that weekends are about relaxing too!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mature people truths

My top ten chuckles in the list:

  1. Nothing sucks more than at that moment during an argument when you realise you are wrong.
  2. How the hell are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet.
  3. Bad decisions make good stories.
  4. You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren't going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.
  5. I hate leaving my house confident and looking good and then not seeing anyone of importance the entire day. What a waste!
  6. I wish Google Maps had an 'avoid ghetto' routing option.
  7. Sometimes, I'll watch a movie that I watched when I was younger and realise I had no idea what the heck was going on when I first saw it.
  8. The only time I look forward to a red light is when I'm trying to finish a text.
  9. As a driver I hate pedestrians, and as a pedestrian I hate drivers, but no matter what the mode of transportation, I always hate bicyclists.
  10. Even under ideal conditions, people have trouble locating their car keys in a pocket, finding a cell phone and Pinning the Tail on the Donkey - but I'd bet my ass everyone can find and push the snooze button from 3 feet away, in about 1.7 seconds, eyes closed, first time, every time!
Follow the link to see the full list:

    10 things I learnt this weekend...

    1. Sneaky photos with my blackberry really don't come out as clearly as I had hoped which means I'm back to sneaky photos with my camera...damn! thought I'd found a winning formula!
    2. Pub crawls are get to experience different places, meet different people and play a game of snapping photos with randoms coz it's fun!
    3. First impressions are often very misleading
    4. Driving to Krugersdorp at 9am on a Saturday with a hangover is not fun..specially when the time spent at the destination takes less time than half the trip!
    5. Ham, cheese, tomato...always a winning combination
    6. There is a reason that stereotypes exist and why Joburgers are so classist....hello Jersey Shore!
    7. Sunday morning lie in is bliss
    8. There really is no need to plan everything all the times come with spontaneity!
    9. An empty mansion is a scary place to be (especially one with a giant fake furry spider on the main light!)
    10. Going to sleep and waking up to your Valentine is a treat I hope I can enjoy forever!

    Tuesday, February 15, 2011

    Mid-afternoon ramble

    So here I sit on a Tuesday afternoon at around 3 o clock just been for a walk around the blcock n the hope that it will wake me up but no alas i am still feeling bla. it is absolutely ridiculsous how i just thrive off pressure and don't seem to b e ble to function at my greatest capactiy unless i'm like an hour awway from my deadline. and then after days like that i have an enormous headached - like my brain is going to explode. but technically, if i just spread my work load around over a anumber of days i would nnot have to stress and i would not get into a panic at all. bu then when all is calm thins like this morning happens when work colleague J sends an email about a new advertisement. hich is not on the list and which is not part of the pagination. i was so angry i wanted to explode - i couldn't even talk to him in fact. but then i did balst him and felt better and drank some hot chocolate. but needless to say it is as if he and others do not respect my authority which makes me really angry and i want to rssedn a rude email to all the sales reps about it because iin my world a deadlines is a deadline and needs to be adhered to for the smooth opeation of an enterprise. anyway ya that's got my headache flaring up aain so i'm going to stop thinking about that. so i had a nice walk around the block just now and got to thinking how easy it is to just get used to the way things are...and compromise and all such things and being so busy we just enver seem to gte a weekend to ourselves. i would really love to go away and really get back to some excitement and lovingness - not to say that isn't still there but just that it sometimes takes a weekend out of the normal surroundings to totally enjoy it. so i hope that we find a weekend to get away soon (although arelady t looks like maybe the end of march only) sto enjoy. camping at pilansburg really was awesome last year and i want thta magic again coz i d quite love the curly.

    Speed typing without looking at what I was doing on the those mistakes are there for a reason

    Monday, February 7, 2011

    Fat thighs

    So I had a brilliant run yesterday afternoon....12km in best time ever (although I do realise that doing it on a treadmill is cheating, but still!)
    I was so pleased with myself and pranced upstairs to boast to Curly and mention the supposed 900 calories I had burned doing it (justifies that half slice of Lemon Meringue earlier I like to think) and all was good.
    That is, until my exercise euphoria had died down and I started moving again. I noticed that my upper thigh skin was feeling a bit rashy, like my panty elastic had been rubbing on one spot (well I did run 12km) so anyway, I jumped into the shower and creamed myself up as one does afterwards.
    And then the fire hit.
    I had to lie spread-eagled on my bed with the fan blowing to cool the skin down.
    I have chafe.
    Because my thighs are fat.

    And if not being able to run now due to the pain of friction is not reason enough to stop gorging on chuckles and lemon meringue during the weekend...then I'm doomed with a life of fat thighs....which might mean that I end up lying on the beach like a wallowing whale just like the lady in the picture.

    A little light reading while working out how bad it is to be the fattest bridesmaid..
    "I couldn't keep pants for years like I can now, because they would wear out where my thighs were rubbing together. When I was heavy my thighs would rub together at the top and wear holes in pants. It's one thing to have a hole in the knee of your jeans. It's quite another to have holes where your thighs rub. Embarrassing." For more, see the full article here

    Wednesday, February 2, 2011

    10 things I learnt this weekend...

    1. Steamed chicken dumplings are mighty delicious...sitting just below sushi on the enjoyment scale of Chinese restaurants
    2. There are awesome companies around where the MD gets hammered with the juniors - what a chilled work environment Curly has!
    3. Airports make me nervous - justifiable since I have managed to miss two planes and booked a flight to Cape Town instead of PE once! - but I really should start trusting my time management and booking skills!
    4. Sleeping in a plane is great - it helps the time pass by quickly - although the unpretty sight of an open drooling mouth is probably not a good way to make friends with your neighbours en-flight!
    5. I am so lucky to have a grandmother...and tea and cake, going to a 60s movie and eating out is a lovely and restful way to spend the weekend
    6. I am so privileged to have friends that no matter how long it has been since I have seen them, we pick up right where we left off!
    7. Going to a shopping mall in KwaMashu where you are definitely the only white face, is an interesting - and useful - experience for work and life
    8. Learning new things is good...but it can be absolutely exhausting!
    9. Airports never cease to annoy the wary traveler...nothing like going to the furtherest gate to board and then be told you have to go to another one - on the absolute other side of the airport...and then still wait half an hour.
    10. Coming back to rainy Johannesburg and Curly is coming home xxx