Wednesday, February 2, 2011

10 things I learnt this weekend...

  1. Steamed chicken dumplings are mighty delicious...sitting just below sushi on the enjoyment scale of Chinese restaurants
  2. There are awesome companies around where the MD gets hammered with the juniors - what a chilled work environment Curly has!
  3. Airports make me nervous - justifiable since I have managed to miss two planes and booked a flight to Cape Town instead of PE once! - but I really should start trusting my time management and booking skills!
  4. Sleeping in a plane is great - it helps the time pass by quickly - although the unpretty sight of an open drooling mouth is probably not a good way to make friends with your neighbours en-flight!
  5. I am so lucky to have a grandmother...and tea and cake, going to a 60s movie and eating out is a lovely and restful way to spend the weekend
  6. I am so privileged to have friends that no matter how long it has been since I have seen them, we pick up right where we left off!
  7. Going to a shopping mall in KwaMashu where you are definitely the only white face, is an interesting - and useful - experience for work and life
  8. Learning new things is good...but it can be absolutely exhausting!
  9. Airports never cease to annoy the wary traveler...nothing like going to the furtherest gate to board and then be told you have to go to another one - on the absolute other side of the airport...and then still wait half an hour.
  10. Coming back to rainy Johannesburg and Curly is coming home xxx

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