Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Soooo..... I'm slightly embarrassed to see that my last post was on 22 August - that means that 2 whole months of my life have not been accounted for.
This certainly makes me wake up to the fact that life, too, could just pass by in a flurry of deadlines, parties, food and friends - without too much being remembered. Not to say I want this blog to be a diary of my life (that's what diaries are for I suppose) but just that I've had so many thoughts, comments, ideas and experiences over the last month that I myself have not had time (or taken the time) to remember and cherish.

But. that all changes today. Already the 2nd of the month (I actually had this thought yesterday and didn't take myself up to my laptop immediately to start on the project and as a result forgot). But I promise to you - and more importantly to myself - that I will write something, show something, think something at least once a day for the next month.

That way I hope to reconnect with myself, with my creativity and actually be on the Butterfly Journey that I had planned.

Good luck to me!

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