Wednesday, November 2, 2011


That’s all I can do as I look to see when I last posted on my blog.
Sigh because I have so many stories just sitting in my head itching to burst on to a page – but my creativity trap door gets shut while I try gain control of my work load.


That’s what comes next.
Goals to blog everyday, or at least once a week, or to jot down titles in drafts that I’ll come back to.

That’s what I feel about this blog – because I’m really not doing it justice at all, nor gaining any kind of presence on the bloggersphere.
Which is part of why I have one in the first place – so for future job interviews I can showcase what I do on the online sphere.

I also grapple with the purpose of this blog. Is it an online diary? A platform to showcase some of my articles – that really don’t get enough airtime on our website? A way to rant, explore and get creative?

I think it’s supposed to be a little bit of everything.
Either way – it’s not meant to be a lot of nothing – which is its current status.

And now?
So I’m not going to make any promises about frequency, content or excitement. I’m just gonna get cracking.

And now that I have a beautiful silver lap top (thanks to my boss realizing that (a) I need to be able to work from home to get everything done on my one man show and (b) my office Mac is packing now) I can do this!

Over and out.

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